Л.С. Точилов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 5·2017
Optimizing the simulators for rocket and space technology
products under conditions of economic crisis
© L.S. Tochilov
JSC MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia, Reutov town, Moscow region, 143966, Russia
The article considers the actual problem of reducing rocket and space technology (RST)
product development costs using the example of the process of control system workout by
performing “electronic launches” in terrestrial conditions on simulators of two types:
mathematical modeling stands and semi-natural modeling stands. On the example of a
simulator a short history of RCT product control system development is considered as
well as a variant of their future state as a desirable optimization option. Risk manage-
ment issues in optimizing the development of control systems for RST products on the
simulator are also discussed. The possibility of developing algorithms of on-board digital
computer in C ++ language, opening up new opportunities for reengineering the process
of RST product control system workout on a simulator is presented as a key technology
for simulator optimization. It is shown that some of the obtained results can be useful in
developing an approach to optimizing the RSO, which are more acceptable than attempts
to apply the concept of the Toyota production system “Lean Manufacturing” under funda-
mentally different conditions.
rocket and space technology, economic crisis, cost optimization, simulating
stands, semi-natural modeling stands, mathematical modeling stands, control system,
control system algorithms, on-board digital computer, C ++ language, lean manufactur-
ing, Toyota
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