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А.В. Бабкин, С.В. Ладов, С.В. Федоров



Fedorov S.V., Babkin A.V., Kolpakov V.I.

Prikladnaya Mekhanika i

Tekhnicheskaya Fizika

Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics,

2000, vol. 41, no. 3, р. 389 [In Russian: pp. 13



Fedorov S.V.

Prikladnaya Mekhanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika

Journal of

Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics


2001, vol. 42, no. 3, рp. 397

403 [In

Russian: pp. 15



Rakoshits G.S.

Electroimpulsnaya shtampovka

[Spark-Discharge Forming]


Moscow, Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1990, 191 p.


Volosatov V.A., ed.

Spravochnik po electrokhimicheskim i electrofizicheskim

metodam obrabotki

[Handbook on Electrochemical and Electrical Methods of



Leningrad, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1988, 191 p.


Babkin A.V., Ladov S.V., Fedorov S.V., Golovachiov A.V., Kruzhkov V.A.

Sposob demontazha elektroliznykh vann

[The Method of Electrolysis Bath

Dismantling] Patent RU 2039130, bull. 19, publ. 09.07.1995.


Landau L.D., Lifshits E.M.

Electrodynamica sploshnykh sred


of Continuum]


Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1982, 624 p.


Belyi I.V., Fertik S.M., Himenko L.T.

Spravochnik po magnitoimpulsnoy

obrabotke metallov

[Handbook on Magnetic Pulse Metal Treatment]. Kharkov,

KhGU Publ., 1977, 168 p.


Tatmyshevskiy K.V., Semenovich M.L., Kozlov S.A.

Izvestiya Rossiyskoy

akademii raketnykh i artilleriyskikh nauk

Proceedings of the Russian Academy

of Missile and Artillery Sciences

, 2005, issue. 4 (45), pp. 22



Babkin A.V., Veldanov V.A., Ladov S.V., Fedorov S.V. Ob uskorenii

metallicheskikh plastin impulsnym magnitnym polem [On the acceleration of

the metallic plates by pulsed electromagnetic field].

Ekstremalnye sostoyaniya

beschestva. Detonatsiya. Udarnye volny

[Extreme states of matter. Detonation.

Shock waves]

. Proceedings of the International Conference «XI Kharitonovskie

topical scientific readings»

. Sarov, RFYaTs-VNIIEF Publ., 2009, pp. 551



Babkin A.V., Fedorоv S.V., Ladov S.V., Grigoryan V.A., Kruzhkov V.A.,

Scherbakov A.V. Theoretical and experimental investigation of magnetic-

impulse plate acceleration.

Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on

Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics

. Tallahassee,

Florida, USA, 1998, рp. 345



Ladov S.V., Fedorоv S.V.

Izvestiya Rossiyskoy akademii raketnykh i

artilleriyskikh nauk

Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Missile and

Artillery Sciences

, 2010, issue. 4, pp. 69



Babkin A.V., Ladov S.V., Fedorоv S.V. Theoretical analysis of system of

electromagnetic acceleration of metal plates.

Proceedings of the 25th

International Symposium on Ballistics

. Beijing, China, 2010, vol. 1,

pp. 638


Babkin A.V.

(b. 1954) graduated from the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical

School in 1978. Dr. Sci. (Eng. ), Associate Member of RANS, professor at the Depart-

ment of High-Precision Airborne Devices at Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-

ty. The author of more than 200 publications in the field of numerical modeling of explo-

sion physics and high-speed impact. e-mail:

Ladov S.V.

(b. 1949) graduated from the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical

School in 1972. Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Member of RANS, associate professor at the

Department of High-Precision Airborne Devices at Bauman Moscow State Technical

University. The author of more than 300 publications in the field of explosion physics. e-
