Определение точек оптимума двух классов двузонных функций - page 7

Определение точек оптимума двух классов двузонных функций
Determining the optimum points of two classes
of two-band functions
© E.V. Velichko, V.T. Nadykto
Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol', Zaporozhzhya region,
Ukraine, 72310
The study tested thrice differentiable functions whose definitional domain can be divided
into several intervals (zones) with significantly different rates of function growth. A strict
definition of the optimum point through the curvature of the curve is given. For two
classes of convex two-band functions the problem of finding the optimum point is solved
in a general way.
optimal point of one variable function, curvature of the curve, area of the
function, area of the curve, two-band function, exponent
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Velichko E.V
. (b. 1979) graduated from Zaporozhzhya National University in 2001 with MS
(Math.). Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Higher Mathematics and Physics Department at
Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Melitopol'. Research interests include mechanics
of thermoelastic multilayer surroundings, approximation of mathematical functions. Author of
more than 50 publications on mathematics and mechanics. e-mail:
Nadykto V. T
. (b. 1956) graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Agricultural University in
1977. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, vice-chancellor for scientific work, corresponding
member of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, head of the Machine
Usage in Agriculture Department. Research interests include machine usage efficiency in
agriculture. Author of over 200 scientific publications, including 30 copyright certificates
and patents. e-mail:
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