Современные аспекты методов управления человеческими ресурсами в организации - page 6

М.С. Фомина, Н.Е. Садковская
Modern aspects of human resource management practices
in the organization
© M.S. Fomina, N.E. Sadkovskaia
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
The article explains the need to systematize the management capacity and its application
in practice, examines the fundamental methods of human resources management and
their further development, which, according to the author, includes the formulation and
implementation of corporate strategy, corresponding to the rapidly changing external
environment. The author emphasizes that the main principle of modern management con-
cepts is the recognition of human resources as a decisive factor in the efficiency and
competitiveness of the whole organization.
: management, corporate culture, human resources, personnel management
theory, the organization's activities.
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Fomina M.S.
(b. 1992) is a student at the Department of Economics and Organization of Pro-
duction at Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research inter-
ests: economics, linguistics. e-mail:
Sadkovskaya N.E.
(b. 1963) graduated from Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow Higher
Technical School in 1986. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor at the Department of Economics and
Production Organization of Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-
ty. Research interests: economics. e-mail:
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