Современные проблемы формирования российского менеджмента - page 7

Современные проблемы формирования российского менеджмента
Modern problems of forming the Russian management
© E.V. Rozanova, N.A. Orekhov
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
To achieve the goal of improving management it is necessary to develop modern man-
agement methodology. Problems of the Russian enterprise management systems are the
result of the transition of control systems that existed under the planned economy, to
management in the market economy. When the Russian society moved to market econo-
mies, the task to form the Russian management appeared. It depends not only on the level
of market development of commodity production on Russian territory, but also on creat-
ing opportunities for its mastering by the Russian specialists.
control, management, development, concept.
[1] Druker P.
Zadachi menedzhmenta v ХХ1 veke
[Management tasks in the
ХХ1century]. Moscow, Vilyams Publ., 2003, pp. 50-68.
[2] Bogdanov A.A. Tektologiya (Vseobschaya organizatsionnaya nauka) [Tektolo-
gy (General organizational science)]. In 2 books. Moscow, Ekonomika Publ.,
1989. Book 1, pp. 304; book 2, pp. 351.
[3] Alekseevsky V.S., Orekhov N.A.
Menedzhment ustoichivogo razvitiya
agement of sustainable development]. Moscow, Manuskript Publ., 2007,
pp. 107–111.
Rozanovа E.V.
(b. 1994), a 3rd year student of the Department of Economics and Organ-
ization of Production at Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Research interests: economics, marketing of innovation technologies, management.
e-mail: elena.rozanova.2012 @ mail.ru
Orekhov N.A.
(b. 1935) graduated from Kramatorsk evening Institute in 1963.
Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of Department of Economics and Organization of Production at
Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: eco-
nomics, marketing of innovation technologies, management, production organization.
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