Моделирование динамических процессов деформирования гибких тканевых композиционных материалов - page 21

Моделирование динамических процессов деформирования гибких тканевых …
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[23] Dimitrienko Yu.I., Sborshchikov S.V., Sokolov A.P., Sadovnichiy D.N., Gafa-
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no. 3, pp. 35–51.
Dimitrienko Yu. I.
(b.1962) graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in
1984. Dr. Sci.(Phys.&Math.), Professor, Head of the Computational Mathematics and
Mathematical Physics Department, Director of Scientific-educational Center of
Supercomputer Engineering Modeling and Program Software Development at Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering
Science. The author of over 300 publications in the field of computational mechanics,
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