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Mechanism of explosive formation of high-velocity elongated projectiles…

Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation

# 12·2017 17

Mechanism of explosive formation of high-velocity

elongated projectiles from steel segment lining

© P.V. Kruglov, V.I. Kolpakov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The study focuses on the results of mathematical simulation of the explosively formed

projectiles done with numerical methods of continuum mechanics. In this paper we con-

sider some options for improving the projectiles efficacy and describe the results of com-

putational experiments with various design parameters of the steel segment lining. Math-

ematical models of projectiles of two standard sizes were studied in two-dimensional and

three-dimensional formulations. Findings of the research show that the best characteris-

tics of the high-velocity elongated projectiles can be obtained by using the spherical-

conic lining and the lining with a developed chamfer. The models with different physical

and mechanical properties of the lining, in particular, demonstrate the mechanism of

projectile forming from the lining with radial gradient ductility. The study substantiates

the application of the elastoplastic deformation model and the failure criterion in the

form of the Smirnov—Alyaev criterion.


: explosively formed projectiles, numerical simulation, high-velocity elongated




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