Решение задачи параметрической оптимизации сетчатой цилиндрической конструкции
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 10·2017 11
Solving the problem of mesh cylindrical structure
parametric optimization
© O.A. Shteinbrekher, T.V. Burnysheva
Novokuznetsk institute (branch) of Kemerovo State University,
Novokuznetsk, 654041, Russia
The article considers the problem of optimal design of a mesh cylindrical structure. Such
structures are widely used in the aerospace industry. Optimal design of these structures al-
lows increasing the efficiency of their use, minimizing the mass, while observing the condi-
tions for strength and stability. The formulation of the problem of mesh construction optimal
design in general form is given. The application of various optimal design algorithms using
known analytical dependencies is considered. The optimization algorithm is based on the
simplex search method, where a partial R-predicate of the admissible domain is used to de-
scribe nonconvex smooth boundary sections. The results of solving the optimization problem
for a particular design by various methods and the results of calculating the stress-strain state
of the corresponding models are presented. The discrepancies in the results are due to the
different set of constraints used in the methods in question.
optimal design of structures, mesh cylindrical structure, minimum mass,
strength, stability, optimization algorithm, R-functions
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