Анализ концепции долговременной орбитальной станции…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 4·2017 17
Analysis of the concept of a long-term orbital station
for the of interorbital cargo traffic serving
© I.A. Sobolev
, V.V. Leonov
, T.V. Volkova
, P.M. Bechasnov
Aerospace Laboratory of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119192, Russia
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, 107031, Russia
The article presents an analysis of the concept of a long-term orbital station operating on
a low near-equatorial orbit and serving interorbital transport operations in terms of in-
dependent economic efficiency. To generate revenue in the geostationary vehicle launch
market the use of an orbital transfer vehicle operated from the space station is proposed.
The near-equatorial orbit has a number of advantages in particular the radiation envi-
ronment, allowing for the application of scientific and technical solutions not previously
used in the design of orbital stations. The
of a promising single-module orbital
station with the means for creating artificial gravity and the possibility of increasing the
habitable volume by deployment of inflatable rigidizable structures
is proposed. The ef-
fect of artificial gravity on the comfort and productivity of crew is shown; a possible op-
tion of living and working spaces of the station is suggested, if available. The possibility
of reducing expenses and increasing revenues in comparison with the implemented pro-
jects of orbital stations is shown.
orbital station, artificial gravity, spacecraft, orbital transfer vehicle, eco-
nomic effect, geostationary orbit
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