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Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 3·2017 19

Two-dimensional fluid model for calculating the natural

vibration frequencies of axially symmetric

hydro-shell systems

© V.A. Gribkov, R.A. Adamenko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article offers a two-dimensional fluid model to describe the vibrational motion of flu-

id in an elastic thin-walled axially symmetric shell structure. Two-dimensional fluid

model is the basis of the approximate analytical method for calculating the natural fre-

quencies of axisymmetric vibrations of hydro-shell systems. The method algorithm con-

sists of a few simple computational operations based on elemental formula conversion of

natural frequencies, the transition from the natural frequencies of the shell without liquid

to the natural frequencies of a shell filled with liquid. The natural frequencies are deter-

mined quickly without any computing facilities. The calculation results obtained in this

study by using the proposed two-dimensional fluid model are compared with the exact

analytical solutions for the cylindrical shell filled with three-dimensional fluid, with the

results for a composite shell structure, obtained by using two finite element complexes

(SolidWorks Simulation, Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica), as well as with the results of phys-

ical testing frequency (experimental) model — a composite shell of two elements.


tank design, hydroelastic vibrations, fluid model, dynamic characteristics,

frequency test



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