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А.Ф. Третьяков


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 2·2017

Design technique of manufacturing process

of porous material products with desired properties

© A.F. Tretyakov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

Metallic porous materials are notable for various types of structure-forming elements

and processes of their manufacture. The technology created for manufacturing products

with desired properties is based on the phenomenon of technological heredity. The prin-

ciple of modeling the porous structures lies in the fact that a complex real object is re-

placed by a geometric model, available for mathematical modeling. We give a block

scheme of design technique of manufacturing processes of stamp-welded porous material

products with desired properties. The developed method was implemented when creating

filters with frameless spherical filtering elements made of porous mesh materials for the

purification of liquids and gases from mechanical impurities. The paper gives the test

bench results of manufactured stamp-welded filters that provide the required fineness of

purification at a maximum filtration area and specified flow rate characteristics of the

medium being filtered.


metal porous mesh materials, woven wire mesh, manufacturing process de-

sign, technological heredity, porous structure modeling, stamp-welded product, filter,

filtering elements, nominal fineness of purification



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