Численное исследование влияния режимных параметров на тепловое состояние…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 1·2017 11
Vorozheeva O.A., Yagodnikov D.A. Eksperimentaknye issledovaniya teplovogo
sostoyaniya elementov konstruktsii i effektivnosti rabochego protsessa RDMT
na gazoobraznykh komponentakh kislorod—metan [Experimental research of
the structure element thermal state and the effectiveness of work flow in low
thruster on gaseous oxygen — methane components].
Mezhdunarodnyy forum
dvigatelestroeniya. Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy kongress po dvigatelestroeniyu
(NTKD—2016). Moskva, 19–21 aprelya 2016. Tezisy dokladov
[Propulsion En-
gineering International Forum. Scientific and Technical Congress on Engine
Building NTKD 2016. Moscow, April 19-21, 2016, Abstracts]. Moscow, 2016,
pp. 446–448.
Vorozheeva O.A.
(b. 1988) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University
in 2012. Assistant, Department of Rocket Engines, Bauman Moscow State Technical
University. Author of over 20 research publications in the field of mathematical modeling
and computational and experimental analysis of workflows and thermal state of structural
elements of liquid rocket engines and low trasters. e-mail:
oa-vorozheeva@mail.ruYagodnikov D.A.
(b. 1961) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School
in 1984. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Rocket Engines, Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. Author of over 220 research publications in the field
of experimental and theoretical investigation of workflows and development of contact-
less methods of rocket and jet engines diagnostics. e-mail: