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К вопросу определения толщины смазочного слоя при решении…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 12·2016 7

On determining the lubricant film thickness

for solving tribological problems

© G.A. Timofeev, S.I. Krasavin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

One main task of modern domestic and foreign engineering is to improve the reliability

and durability of the wheeled, tracked, hoisting-and-conveying vehicles, aircraft and

space technology. The structure of these machines includes the transmission consisting of

the engine, cylindrical, conical, planetary and wave gears. The article discusses the re-

search of changing the thickness of the oil film in a heavily loaded contact by modeling

the gear operation using a roller analogy. Nomograms, considering the assumptions of

the contact-hydrodynamic theory of lubrication and allowing for the total rolling veloci-

ty, maximum Hertzian contact stress, relative radius of contacting surface curvature, the

sliding velocity of contacting surfaces were constructed on the friction machine on the

basis of performed experiments. The resulting nomograms allow reducing the costs of de-

sign, performing full-scale experimental research, and in the future taking into account

this methodology in computer-aided design of gearings and friction units.


reliability and durability of the machine, transmission, gears, lubricant, mod-

eling using a roller analogy.



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