Приближенный метод расчета плавления времени шугообразного криопродукта…
An approximate method of calculating time of a slush-like
cryogenic product melting in a spherical container
© A.V. Tarasova, G.N. Tovarnykh
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article presents an approximate analytical method for calculating the melting time of
a slush-like cryogenic product in a spherical container when drain storage. The problem
of finding the position of the interface between the pure liquid region and slush is exam-
ined with allowance for the heat flow from the walls and the area of pure liquid. It is ac-
cepted that the area of slush is isothermal and has a melting point of the solid phase, the
interface slush — pure liquid is flat, free surface of the liquid is stationary and has a sat-
uration temperature at a given pressure. The temperature in the area of pure liquid is
linearly distributed. The resulting approximate relations allow us to evaluate the melting
time of a slush-like cryogenic product in the container without a detailed calculation of
the temperature fields in the pure liquid.
cryogenic liquid, cryogenic product, drain storage, liquid, slush,
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Tarasova A.V. (
b. 1994), a student of the Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles Department at
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, an engineer of the Research Institute "Spe-
cial Machinery" and an engineer of the Research and Production Center "Special Equip-
ment" at BMSTU, an active participant in the activities of the Youth Space Center at