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И.Ф. Кобылкин, А.В. Петюков


konferentsii “XI Kharitonovskie tematicheskie nauchnye chteniya”.

Ekstremalnye sostoyaniya veshchestva. Detonatsiya. Udarnye volny.

[Proceedings of the International conference: XI Kharitonov Memorial Topical

Scientific Lectures. Extreme States of Matter. Detonation. Shock Waves]. Sarov,

2009, pp. 100–105.


Veldanov V.A., Markov V.A., Pusev V.I., Ruchko A.M., Sotskiy



Fedorov S.V.

Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki – Journal of Technical Physics,


vol. 81, no. 7, pp. 94–104.


DeOliveira G., Kapila A.K., Schwendeman D.W., Bdzil J.B., Henshow W.D.,

Tarver C.M


Detonation Difraction, Dead Zones and Ignition Model.

The 13th

International Detonation Symposium

. USA, 2006, pp. 534–542.


Vandersall K., Garsia F., Tarver G., Fried L. Shock Desensitization Experiments

and Reactive Flow Modeling on Self-Sustaining LX-17 Detonation Waves.


15th International Detonation Symposium.

USA. 2014. pp. 114–122.

Kobylkin I.F.

(b. 1951) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School

in 1974. Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of High-Precision

Airborne Devices at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author of

about 200 scientific works including 11 monographs in the field of theory of explosives,

blasting technologies, chemical physics of combustion and explosion, materials and

structures of light armor protection, explosive reactive armors of combat systems – ar-

mored vehicles. e-mail:

Petukov A.V.

(b. 1990) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-

ty in 2013. Postgraduate student of the Department of High-Precision Airborne Devices

at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author of more than 10 publica-

tions in the field of numerical modeling the physics of the explosion.
