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Проявление эффекта ударно-волновой десенсибилизации…


Manifestation of the effect of shock wave desensitization

upon projectile detonation initiation in explosive thin layers

© I.F. Kobylkin, A.V. Petukov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article describes numerical modeling detonation initiation in shielded thin layers of

explosives exposed to high-speed projectiles with regard to their shock-wave desensitiza-

tion occurring due to their pre-compression by the shock wave generated at the initial

stage of projectile penetration in the shielded layer of explosive. In the course of solving

the problem by using LS-DYNA it was found that due to lack of accountability of shock

wave desensitization effect in Lee-Tarver kinetics, integrated into the program LS-DYNA,

it is not possible to reproduce the experimental fact of existence of the maximum screen

thickness, above which detonation of the charge PVV-12M, of 6 mm thick is not initiated

when exposed to the projectile with the diameter of 17.5 mm, at the speed of 2.21 kmps.

To account for the effect of shock wave desensitization in problems of detonation initia-

tion two-dimensional numerical solver of problems of mechanics of compressible solid

continuum "Erudit", developed by S.V. Fedorov in the BMSTU, was used. Modernized

Lee-Tarver kinetics of explosive decomposition, regarding for the possibility of desensiti-

zation of explosives under non-monotonic loading, was integrated into this solver. The

developed method of numerical simulation allows the experimental data to be repro-

duced. As the calculations showed the detonation initiation doesn’t occur under the pro-

jectile influence on a shielded thin layer of PVV-12M mm with the thickness of 6 mm and

a faceplate thickness of 7 mm, but at a thickness of 6 mm detonation initiation occurs,

which is consistent with experimental data.


detonation initiation, shock-wave,

desensitization, numerical modeling, kinet-

ics of decomposition, explosive thin layer.



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