М.Ю. Докукин, А.В. Купавцев, А.Н. Морозов
The new subject matter “Physics and Natural Sciences”
for Bachelor’s Program in the area of «Innovatica»
at a technical university
© M.Yu. Dokukin, A.V. Kupavtsev, A.N. Morozov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005 Russia
The article consideres the purpose and content of the subject matter «Physics and natural
sciences». It is based on fundamental physical concepts, principles and laws. The disci-
pline has universal and integrated character that allows considering any phenomena and
objects the most diverse in its nature and complexity and making conclusions about their
dynamics and evolution. It is supposed that mastering the discipline by students will al-
low them to increase their general cultural status and to acquire a wide range of univer-
sal competences which be requested from the future bachelors in the course of their pro-
fessional work.
subject matter, competence, bachelor, innovative process.
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Dokukin M.Yu.
, Ph.D., assoc. professor of the Physics Department at Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. Scientific interests: physics of plasma, education in physics.
DMU252@yandex.ruKupavtsev A.V.
, Ph.D., assoc. professor of the Physics Department at Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. Scientific interests: higher vocational training. e-mail:
avkup@bk.ruMorozov A.N.
, Dr.Sci. (Phys.& Math.), professor, head of the Physics Department at
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Scientific interests: precision measure-
ments and physical kinetics. e-mail: