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Моделирование конвективного теплообмена в призматических каналах…


Modeling of convective heat transfer in prismatic channels

of different cross section geometry

© N.V. Kiryukhina


, A.K. Gorbunov


, N.A. Silaeva



Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky


Kaluga, 248023, Russia


Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia

The article describes a mathematical model of heat transfer in developed laminar flow in

prismatic channels of rectangular and triangular cross-sections, including the equation

of fluid motion and the energy equation with boundary conditions of the second kind on

the channel walls. The analytical solutions for the velocity field have been derived from

the equations of liquid motion. Solution of the energy equation has been obtained by nu-

merical method of finite differences. The computational algorithm was based on the dif-

ference scheme approximating the boundary value problem, based on five-point pattern.

This algorithm implements programs allowing calculation of the velocity and tempera-

ture fields in the channels and determination of the local and average heat transfer char-

acteristics. In future we plan to build an algorithm and to develop a program for the nu-

merical solution of the problem of convective heat transfer in channel of more complex

geometry with projections on the walls.


: convective heat transfer, mathematical modeling, finite difference method.



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Mikheev M.A., Mikheeva I.M.

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[Fundamentals of Heat

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Dulnev G.N.

Teoriya teplo- i massoobmena

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Fletcher C.A.J. Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics. London, et al.,

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Kiryukhina N.V.

graduated from Kaluga Pedagogical Institute named after

K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Ph.D., assoc. professor of the General Physics Department at Kaluga

State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Research interests: Thermal physics,

physics teaching theory and methods. e-mail:

Gorbunov A.K.


1947) graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Tech-

nology. Dr. Sci. (Phys.&Math.), head of the Physics Department at Kaluga branch of

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author of several articles on condensed

matter physics. e-mail:

Silaeva N.A.

(b. 1968) graduated from the Kaluga Pedagogical Institute named after

K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The senior lecturer of the Physics Department at Kaluga branch of

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The author of several articles on strength

characteristics of the material properties. e-mail: