Методы прямого поиска в гибридных алгоритмах вычислительной диагностики гидромеханических систем - page 15

Методы прямого поиска в гибридных алгоритмах…
Methods of direct search in hybrid algorithms
of computing diagnostics of hydromechanical systems
© V.D. Sulimov, P.M. Shkapov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article considers problems of computing diagnostics of hydromechanical systems. In
the developed mathematical models of the studied objects we used indirect diagnostic in-
formation which contained in the spectra of fluctuations of objects registered with the
regular systems. We formulated inverse spectral problem, in the solution of which we im-
plemented optimization approach. It was assumed that private criteria were continuous,
not everywhere differentiable multiextreme functions. Search of global decisions was
carried out using a new hybrid algorithms integrating stochastic algorithm of scanning
of variables space and determined
methods of direct local search
. Numerical examples of
model diagnosing of the heat carrier phase structure and of nuclear reactor plant equip-
ment are given.
: computer diagnostics, inverse problem, criterion function, global optimiza-
tion, the Metropolis algorithm, regularization, hybrid algorithm.
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