Адгезионная прочность в многослойных полимерных пленках - page 10

С.В. Котомин, К.П. Соллогуб
Adhesion strength in multilayer polymer films
© S.V. Kotomin
, K.P. Sollogoub
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
PIMM-CNAM, Paris, 75013
Multilayer films from uncompatible polymers polymethylmetacrilate
polystyrene have
poor adhesion and interlayer strength. Application of copolymers enhances adhesion be-
tween layers and delaminating strength. Intersection of layers as a result of irregular
morphology also improves delamination strength. For test of multilayer films with poor
interlayer strength the torsion technique is recommended. Frictional microscopy of de-
laminated surfaces reveals mechanism of interlayer bond in films.
polymers, films, adhesion, frictional microscopy.
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[6] The program GWYDDION for data processing of atomic force microscopy. Avail-
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Kotomin S.V.
graduated from Moscow Institute (now University) of Chemical Technol-
ogy in 1974. Dr. Sci. (Chemistry), Professor of the Chemistry Department at Bauman
State Technical University, principal researcher in the Institute of Petrochemical Synthe-
sis, Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of 120 publications on physical chemistry and
processing of polymers and composites. e-mail:
Sollogoub C.P.
graduated from Universités Paris VI, Paris VII, Paris XI, Ecole Poly-
technique, Ecole Centrale de Paris, ESPCI in 1999. Has PhD in polymer processing sci-
ence. Assistant Professor in Polymer Science at Conservatoire National des Arts et Méti-
ers and researcher at the PIMM laboratory, mainly on processing, engineering and
mechanics of materials. e-mail:
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