Алгоритмы учета неопределенности информации при точечном оценивании потоков в сетях - page 9

Алгоритмы учета неопределенности информации при оценивании потоков в сетях
Algorithms to deal with information uncertainty with point
estimation of network flows
© Yu.E. Gagarin
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
The paper considers the algorithms to deal with errors in initial information in network
structure systems and problems of their optimization. We support the study with the sam-
ple problem on maximum flow and show how to employ the algorithms.
linear programming, algorithms to deal with uncertainty, network structure,
measurement errors, the optimal solution.
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Gagarin Yu.E.
(b. 1964) graduated from Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State
Technical University in 1987. PhD, Assoc. Professor at the Department of Applied Com-
puter Software, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics at Kaluga branch of
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests include mathematical
programming, statistical data processing, mathematical modeling. e-mail:
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