К задаче проектирования теплозащитных конструкций - page 6

А.Ю. Бушуев
On the problem of designing thermal protection structures
A.Ju. Bushuev
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
In this paper we propose a method for determining a combination of layer thicknesses
ensuring the predetermined maximum allowable temperature at the layer boundaries
provided that the number of variable layers is not equal to the number of controlled
points. We present a numerical example of solving the problem of designing a three-layer
structure subject to bilateral heating, with the requirement that the maximum tempera-
ture of the construction inner layer should not exceed 1073 K. This requirement is satis-
fied by varying the thickness of the outer thermal insulation layers. The solution obtained
by using the developed method, asymptotically approaches the optimal solution in ex-
treme setting of the problem.
thermal designing, composite thermal protection structures, optimal solution.
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Bushuev A. Ju.
(b.1951) graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School in
1974, Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1985. Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Department at Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. Author of more than 20 scientific works. Scientific interests:
mathematical simulation in technology, the methods of optimization and decision mak-
ing, numerical methods. e-mail:
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