Ноу-хау как альтернативный инструмент защиты интеллектуальной собственности в условиях патентных войн - page 11

П.А. Дроговоз, Н.А. Кашеварова
Know-how as alternative intellectual property protection
tool in patent wars
© P.A. Drogovoz, N.A. Kashevarova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Know-hows start playing an important role as intellectual property protection tools on
the rapidly growing markets of technological innovations. Now patents have almost lost
their initial mission as traditional intellectual property protection tools, being widely
used for unfair competition. Initially patents have provided a monopoly right for the in-
ventor to compensate his efforts and gain an economic income during a limited period of
time, but now they are transformed into patent warfare in different areas of high-
technology business. This paper identifies the causes of the occurred transformation and
studies new alternative approaches to intellectual property protection and technology
transfer in science-intensive industries. It provides a comparative analysis of patent
rights and trade secrets (know-hows) implementations. Some advantages of know-how
implementation the industries with low risk of reverse engineering are discussed, activi-
ties for trade secrets leaks prevention are described.
intellectual property, patents, patent wars, trade secrets, know-how.
Drogovoz P.A.,
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic Activi-
ties of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. Sci. (Economics), Profes
sor. Author of about 70 publications including 8 monographsin the field of theory and meth-
odology of value-based management, organizational economic analysis and design, civil-
military integration, business informatics.e-mail:
Kashevarova N.A.,
Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Entrepreneurship and
Foreign Economic Activities of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, em-
ployed at Corporation «Cometa» as expert in intellectual property rights protection and
valuation. Author of 6 publications in the field of intellectual property management in
industry. e-mail:
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