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Т.В. Бурнышева, О.А. Штейнбрехер


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 9·2017

Rational designing the hatch edging thickness

when constructing the spacecraft compartment

© T.V. Burnysheva, O.A. Shteynbrekher

Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk Institute Branch,

Novokuznetsk, 654041, Russia

In this paper we investigate the ways to improve the strength of the anisogrid composite

lattice structures used in constructing spacecraft. We suggest a solution to the problem of

rational designing the lattice shells with the regular rib structure imperfection. When

choosing the thickness of the stepped edging of the lattice shell cutout we recommend to

pay due consideration to the stress concentration reduction in the structural components

near the cutout outer edging. It is shown that the solution should be sought with account

for the edging mass from the tolerance region limited by the approximating functions of

the stress concentration coefficients in the shell structural components. We obtained the

values of the edging thickness that allow reducing the stress concentration in the struc-

tural components.


anisogrid lattice structures, stress concentration, rational designing the

spacecraft, spacecraft



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