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А.В. Воронецкий, В.И. Смоляга, К.Ю. Арефьев, А.А. Гусев, М.А. Абрамов


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 8·2017


Yagodnikov D.A.

Vosplamenenie i gorenie poroshkoobraznykh metallov


tion and combustion of powdered metals]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2009, 432 p.


Spalart P.R.

International Journal. of Computational Fluid Dynamic



issue, no. 4, 2009, pp. 291–293.


Trusov B.G. Programmnaya sistema TERRA dlya modelirovaniya fazovykh

i khimicheskikh ravnovesiy pri vysokikh temperaturakh

[TERRA software sys-

tem for modeling phase and chemical equilibria at high temperatures].

III Mezhdunarodnyy simpozium “Gorenie i plazmokhimiya”

[Proc. of III In-

ternational Symposium Combustion and Plasma Chemistry].

August 24–26,

2005, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2005

, pp. 52–57.


Aleksandrov V.Yu., Arefev K.Yu., Prokhorov A.N., Fedotova K.V., Sharov M.S.,

Yanovskiy L.S.

Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroenie


ceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Маchine Building,

2016, no. 2,

pp. 65–74. DOI 10.18698/0536-1044-2016-2-65-75


Yagodnikov D.A., Lapitskiy V.I., Sukhov A.V., Tomak V.I.

Inzhenernyy vest-

nik — Engineering Bulletin

, 2014, no. 11. Available at:

(accessed May 15, 2017).


Van Wie D., D’Alessio S., White M.

Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest


2005, vol. 26, issue 4, pp. 430–437.


Gremyachkin V.M., Mihalchuk M.V.

Fiziko-kmicheskaya kinetika v gazovoy

dinamike — Physical-Chemical Kinetics in Gas Dynamics

, 2014, vol. 15, issue 5.

Available at:


May 15, 2017).


Pokhil P.F., Belyaev A.F., Frolov Yu.V., Logachaev V.S., Korotkov A.I.

Gorenie poroshkoobraznykh metallov v aktivnykh sredakh

[Combustion of

powdered metals in active media], Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1972, 294 p.

Voronetskiy A.V

., Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, head of the department at Research Institute

of Power Engineering, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests

include combustion theory of high-metallized fuels, mathematical modeling of working

processes in rocket engines. Author of over 140 scientific publications.


Smolyaga V.I.,

Deputy head of the department at Joint-stock company Scientific-

Production Association SPLAV. Research interests include applied research in the field

of development, creation and testing of power plants for advanced aircraft. Author of

7 scientific publications. e-mail:

Arefev K.Yu

., Cand. Sc


(Eng.), works in Research Institute of Power Engineering,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Assoc. Professor of the Department of

Rocket Engines, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests include

theory of bias and combustion of homogeneous and heterogeneous fuel compositions,

mathematical modeling of work processes in air-jet engines. Author of over 40 scientific

publications. e-mail:

Gusev A.A.,

engineer at Research Institute of Power Engineering, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. Research interests include theory of mixing and combustion

of homogeneous and heterogeneous fuel compositions, mathematical modeling of work

processes in air-jet engines. Author of 6 publications. e-mail:

Abramov M.A.,

engineer at Research Institute of Power Engineering, Bauman Moscow

State Technical University. Research interests include theory of mixing and combustion

of homogeneous and heterogeneous fuel compositions, mathematical modeling of work

processes in air-jet engines. Author of 3 publications.
