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Параметрическое исследование взаимодействия частиц конденсированной фазы…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 8·2017 17

Parametric study of condensed phase particles interaction

with a high-enthalpy air flow

in a co-current combustion chamber

© A.V. Voronetskiy


, V.I Smolyaga


, K.Yu. Arefiev



A.A Gusev


, M.A.Abramov



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Joint-stock company Scientific-Production Association SPLAV, Tula, 300004, Russia

The article considers mathematical modeling working process problems in perspective

energy-power plants for intra-atmospheric aircraft using fuel based on high-metallized

energy-intensive compositions (VEK). The mathematical model developed and realized in

the specialized module allows us to adapt the software package ANSYS Fluent for simu-

lating a two-phase gas-dynamic flow taking into account the condensed BEC particles

combustion in a high-enthalpy air stream. The article gives the parametric calculations,

which result in obtaining some regularity in the particles combustion completeness coef-

ficient and its changing dependence on the ratio of components, two-phase mixing condi-

tions, and empirical constants in the combustion law. The article considers the cases of

particle feeding both from the combustion chamber wall and along the flow axis. The ob-

tained data can be used to refine the condensed particles combustion empirical laws, to

predict the physical and chemical processes completeness in real chambers and to devel-

op recommendations for improving the work process efficiency in advanced power-

generating plants.


: mathematical modeling, condensed fuel particles, air flow, mixture formation

scheme, empirical combustion law



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(accessed May 15, 2017).