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А.М. Архаров, В.Ю. Семенов, Н.И. Лихачева


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 4·2017

Studying efficient small-scale natural gas liquefaction plants

© A.M. Arkharov




. Semenov


, N.I. Likhacheva



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


Public joint-stock company “Cryogenmash”, Balashikha town, Moscow region,

143907, Russia

Currently there is a growing interest in producing liquefied natural gas (LNG) on a small

scale due to the development and modernisation of the gas and transport industries. LNG

production consumes a lot of energy, and small-scale production means that energy con-

sumption and prime cost of the output increase even further. This makes a comparative

analysis of the efficiency of a given technology specifying the origins of irreversibility

quite relevant. The study deals with the best-known natural gas liquefaction technologies

using refrigerant blends, SMR (APCI) and Limum (Linde), which are used in small-scale

production. We supply the results of comparing their efficiency using the statistical en-

tropy analysis method. We show that the Limum technology is more efficient due to the

presence of an extra refrigeration stage. On the basis of experimental and computational

data we also discovered that the thermodynamic efficiency of various LNG cycles de-

pends on the minimum liquefaction work.


natural gas liquefaction plant, refrigerant blend cycle, thermodynamic effi-

ciency, statistical entropy analysis, minimum liquefaction work





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Otchet-spravochnik. Malotonnazhnoe proizvodstvo i primenenie

SPG — szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza (metana) dlya bestruboprovodnogo

gazosnabzheniya i v kachestve motornogo topliva dlya nazemnykh transportnykh

sredstv. Tekhniko-investitsionnye pokazateli ustanovok

[Report and Handbook.

Small-scale manufacturing and usage of LNG — liquefied natural gas (methane)

for pipeless gas supply and as engine fuel for ground vehicles. Technological

and investment indicators for plants]. St. Petersburg, Prima-khimmash LLC

Publ., 2013, 257 p.


Arkharov A.M., Semenov


, Krasnonosova S.D.

Khimicheskoe i

neftegazovoe mashinostroenie — Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

, 2015,

no. 10, pp. 12–16.




., ed.

Otchet-spravochnik. Sovremennye i perspektivnye tekhnologii

szhizheniya prirodnogo gaza

[Report and handbook. Contemporary and

promising natural gas liquefaction technologies]. Issue 2. St. Petersburg, Prima-

khimmash LLC Publ., 2012, 320 p.


Arkharov A.M.

Osnovy kriologii. Entropiyno-statisticheskiy analiz

nizkotemperaturnykh sistem

[Foundations of cryology. Statistical entropy

analysis of low-temperature systems]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2014, 507 p.


Arkharov A.M., Semenov


, Krasnonosova S.D.

Khimicheskoe i

neftegazovoe mashinostroenie — Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

, 2015,

no. 11, pp. 3–9.


Arkharov A.M., Semenov



Khimicheskoe i neftegazovoe mashinostroenie —

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

, 2015, no. 10, pp. 7–11.