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А.В. Воронецкий, В.И. Крылов, К.Ю. Арефьев, А.А. Гусев


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 1·2017

The methodological aspects covering the development

of mathematical models of metal particles combustion in air

© A.V. Voronetskiy, V.I. Krilov,


. Aref’yev, A.A. Gusev

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article deals with the combined computational and experimental approach for clari-

fying the empirical constants in the combustion law of the particles of powdered metal

fuel (PMF). A possibility of the method usage is demonstrated on modelling of flame

front propagation in a constant volume experimental stand. The paper considers a design

of the experimental stand and the methodology of the experiment. It also describes math-

ematical model used. A comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the

flame front speed for PMF gas suspensions is included. The possibility of applying this

combined computational and experimental approach to clarify the physical and mathe-

matical models to describe the ignition and combustion of two-phase reactive gas dynam-

ic flows is shown.


mathematical modeling, experimental research, metal particles combustion,

flame front, combustion chamber, combustion law





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