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Инновационная методика расчета и проектирования камеры сгорания…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 12·2016 13

“Rocket-Space Propulsion” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Prof. Kudrya-

vtsev V.M. and Prof. Polyayev V.M. and the 185th anniversary of Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. Collected papers]. Moscow, MRSU Publ.,

2015, pp. 65–67.


Korotkaya O.V., Gavryushin S.S. Metodika rascheta i proektirovaniya

sverkhslozhnykh konstruktsii s pomoschyu MKE i metoda podmodelei na pri-

mere kamery sgoraniya ZhRD [Methodology of analysis and design of com-

plex structures using the finite element method and submodeling on the exam-

ple of the LPRE combustion chamber].

Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnogo

nauchnogo simpoziuma “Problemy prochnosti, plastichnosti i ustoychivosti

v mekhanike deformiruemogo tverdogo tela”

[VIII International Scientific

Symposium “Problems of strength, plasticity and stability in Solid Mechanics”,

dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Professor V.G. Zubchaninov, Tver,

9–11 Dec. 2015. Collected papers]. Tver, TSTU Publ., 2015, pp. 152–155.


Korotkaya O.V., Gavryushin S.S. Metodika matematicheskogo modelirovaniya

dlya termoprochnostnogo rascheta kamery sgoraniya innovatsionnogo ZhRD

[Mathematical modeling methodology for innovative LPRE combustion chamber

stress analysis].

Trudy XXVII Mezhdunarodnoy Innovatsionno-orientirovannoy

Konferentsii Molodykh Uchenykh i Studentov (MIKMUS—2015)

[XXVII Inter-

national innovation-oriented conference of young scientists and students

"MIKMUS"]. Moscow, 2–4 Dec. 2015. Collected papers. Moscow, IMASH

RAN Publ., 2015, pp. 70–72.


Gavryushin S.S., Korotkaya O.V. Raschet i proektirovanie tsiklicheski simmet-

richnykh slozhnykh tekhnicheskikh konstruktsiy na primere zhidkostnogo

raketnogo dvigatelya. [Calculation and design of complex technical cyclic

symmetric structures on an example of a liquid propellant rocket engine].


terialy XXII Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma “Dinamicheskie i tekhnologiches-

kie problemy mekhaniki konstruktsiy i sploshnykh sred” im. A.G. Gorshkova.

T. 1

[XXII International symposium “Dynamic and technological problems of a

mechanics of constructions and continua”. Collected papers. Vol. 1]. Moscow,

TRP Ltd Publ., 2016, pp. 76–78.


Gavryushin S.S., Yagodnikov D.A., Korotkaya O.V. Strukturnyy podkhod pri

kompyuternom modelirovanii kamer sgoraniya ZhRD [Structured approach in

computer modeling of liquid propellant rocket engine combustion chambers].

Sb. tezisov Vseros. nauch.-tekhn. konf. “Mekhanika i matematicheskoe mod-

elirovanie v tekhnike”, posvyashch. 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Geroia Sots.

Truda, laureata Leninskoi i Gosudarstvennoi premii SSSR, chlena-korr. AN

SSSR, zasluzhennogo deiatelya nauki i tekhniki RSFSR, doktora tekhn. nauk

V.I. Feodosyeva

[All-Russian Scientific Conference “Mechanics and mathe-

matical modeling in engineering” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Prof.

Feodosyev V.I. Collected papers]


Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2016, pp. 234–236.


Korotkaya O.V.

Substructure Method for Thermal-Stress Analysis of Liquid-

Propellant Rocket Engine Combustion Chamber

. World Academy of Science,

Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 88,


Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering


2014, no. 8 (4), pp. 734–737.


Zienkiewicz O. C., Taylor R. L.

The finite element method: Solid mechanics


Oxford, Butterworth-heinemann, 2000, 459 p.


Kaplun A.B., Morozov E.M., Olfereva M.A.

ANSYS v rukakh inzhenera: Prak-

ticheskoe rukovodstvo

[ANSYS in the hands of an engineer: A practical guide].

Moscow, Editorial URSS Publ., 2003, 272 p.