О.В. Короткая
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 12·2016
Cheng Cheng, Yibai Wang, Yu Liu, Dawei Liu, Xingyu Lu Thermal-structural
response and low-cycle fatigue damage of channel wall nozzle.
Chinese Jour-
nal of Aeronautics
, 2013. Available at:
Korotkaya O.V. Termoprochnostnoy raschet soplovoy chasti ZhRD s ispol-
zovaniem metoda podkonstruktsii [Thermal-stress analysis and strength calcu-
lation of nozzle end of liquid-propellant rocket engine with the use of substruc-
ture method].
Sb. tr. Mezhdunar. konkursa nauchnykh rabot po prioritetnym
napravleniyam razvitiya nauki, tekhnologii i tekhniki v Rossiyskoy Federatsii
[International Science Project Competition. Collected papers]. Moscow, NII
elektroniki i lazernoytekhniki Publ., 2012, pp. 263–269.
Gavryushin S.S., Krasnovskiy E.E., Korotkaya O.V., Strizhenko P.P., Katkov R.E.
Inzhenernyi zhurnal: nauka i innovatsii — Engineering Journal: Science and Inno-
, 2013, no. 4. Available at:
Korotkaya O.V., Gavryushin S.S. Raschet kamery sgoraniya perspektivnogo
ZhRD na osnove metoda podkonstruktsii [Strength calculation of combustion
chamber of a perspective liquid-propellant rocket engine by using the substruc-
ture method].
Materialy XX Mezhdunar. simp. “Dinamicheskie i tekhnolo-
gicheskie problemy mekhaniki konstruktsiy i sploshnykh sred“ im. A.G. Gorshko-
va. T. 1
[XX International symposium “Dynamic and technological problems of a
mechanics of constructions and continua”. Collected papers. Vol. 1]. Moscow,
TR-print Ltd Publ., 2014, pp. 50–52.
Korotkaya O.V., Gavryushin S.S. Raschet kamery sgoraniya ZhRD s kislorodnym
okhlazhdeniem na osnove metoda podkonstruktsii [Analysis of a LOX-cooled
combustion chamber of a liquid-propellant rocket engine by using the substructure
Materialy XXI Mezhdunar. simp. “Dinamicheskie i tekhnologicheskie
problemy mekhaniki konstruktsiy i sploshnykh sred“ im. A.G. Gorshkova. T. 1
[XXI International symposium “Dynamic and technological problems of a mechan-
ics of constructions and continua”. Collected papers. Vol. 1]. Moscow, TR-print
Ltd Publ., 2015, pp. 50–52.
Gavryushin S.S., Korotkaya O.V., Yagodnikov D.A., Polyanskiy A.R. Raschet
i proektirovanie kamery sgoraniya perspektivnogo ZhRD na osnove metoda
podkonstruktsii [Calculation and designing of combustion chamber of a per-
spective liquid-propellant rocket engine by using the substructure method].
Raketnye dvigateli i energeticheskie ustanovki: materialy dokl. Vseros. nauch.-
tekhn. konf., posviasch. 70-letiyu osnovaniya kafedry raketnykh dvigatelei Ka-
zanskogo aviatsionnogo instituta
[All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated
to the 70th anniversary of the Department of rocket engines of Kazan Aviation
Institute. Collected papers]. Kazan, Kazan Aviation Institute Publ., 2015,
pp. 149–152.
Korotkaya O.V., Gavryushin S.S. Termoprochnostnoy raschet soplovoy chasti
kamery sgoraniya perspektivnogo zhidkostnogo raketnogo dvigatelya s kislo-
rodnym okhlazhdeniem s ispolzovaniem metoda podmodeley dlya optimizatsii
finansirovaniya pri sozdanii novykh ZhRD [Thermal-stress analysis of a com-
bustion chamber of a perspective LOX-cooled liquid propellant rocket engine
with the use of a submodeling method to optimize the financing while creating
new liquid propellant rocket engines].
Sb. materialov Vseros. nauch.-tekhn.
konf. “Raketno-kosmicheskie dvigatelnye ustanovki”, posvyashch. 90-letiyu so
dnya rozhdeniya Zasluzhennykh deyatelei nauki i tekhniki RF, laureatov Gosu-
darstvennoi premii SSSR, professorov Kudryavtseva V.M. i Polyaeva V.M.
i 185-letiyu MGTU im. N.E. Baumana
[All-Russian Scientific Conference