А.Г. Андреев, Г.В. Казаков, В.В. Корянов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 6·2016
Approach and methods for estimating
the informative stability coefficient of aircraft flight
automated control system
© A.G. Andreev
, G.V. Kazakov
, V.V. Koryanov
Federal State Budgetary Institution 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry
of Defense of the Russian Federation, Korolev, Moscow region, 141091, Russia
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article demonstrates a technical approach to estimation of the informative stability
coefficient of the aircraft flight automated control system basing on the analytic hierar-
chy process. The developed approach makes it possible to evaluate the coefficient of such
significant feature as the informative safety of the aircraft flight automated control sys-
tem and the coefficient of the informational stability integral property of the aircraft
flight automated control system in the most accurate and simplest way. The main idea of
the proposed approach includes step-by-step main characteristics priority definition us-
ing the analytic hierarchy process. We estimate the coefficients values for the character-
istics at the bottom of the hierarchy as far as the last are considered to be the most
understandable and simplest. Therefore, that allows experts to easily evaluate their coef-
ficients using the analytic hierarchy process.
hypothesis, control, aircraft, reliability, data preparation, software.
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