Проблемы энергообеспечения РС МКС и пути их решения
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 6·2016 9
Power supply problems of the ISS Russian segment
and their solutions
© E.A. Golovanov
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia, Korolev, Moscow region,
141070, Russia
The study tested current energy supply problems of the Service module of the Interna-
tional Space Station (ISS) Russian segment, revealed after 15 years of its operation. We
examine such issues as the inefficient use of the solar batteries of the Russian segment,
restrictions in power supply, received from the American segment, and the batteries
overheating due to the excessive load on them. In this research we propose possible ways
of solving these problems. Particular attention is paid to the changes made in the ISS
structure to improve the battery air blow-off.
energy supply, ISS, problems, load, air blow-off, solution.
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Golovanov E.A.
(b. 1988) graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University
in 2012. 1
category test engineer, post-graduate of S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Pub-
lic Corporation Energia. The author's first scientific paper is submitted for publication. e-