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Концепция разработки программно-методического обеспечения комплекса…


[8] Lysenko L.N., Betanov V.V., Zvyagin F.V.

Teoreticheskiye osnovy ballistiko-

navigatsionnogo obespecheniya kosmicheskikh poletov

[Theoretical founda-

tions of ballistics navigation support space missions]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ.,

2014, 518 p.

[9] Urlichich Yu.M., Yezhov A.I., Zhodzishsky A.I., Kruglov A.V., Makhnenko



Sovremennyye tekhnologii navigatsii geostatsionarnykh sputnikov

[Modern technology navigation geostationary satellites]. Moscow, Fizmatlit

Publ., 2006, 272 p.

[10] Bartenev V.A., Grechkoseyev A.K., Kozorez D.A., Krasil'schikov M.N.,

Sebryakov G.G., Sypalo K.I., Pasynkov V.V.

Sovremennye i perspektivnye in-

formatsionnye GNSS-tekhnologii v zadachakh vysokotochnoy navigatsii


ern and perspective GNSS of information technology in problems of high-

precision navigation]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2014, 191 p.

[11] Solovyev V.A., Lysenko L.N., Lyubinskiy



Upravleniye kosmicheskimi


. V 2 chastyakh [Control of space flights. In 2 parts.]. Moscow,

BMSTU Publ., 2009, part 1, 446 p.

[12] Strogalev V.P., Tolkachev I.O.

Imitatsionnoye modelirovaniye


modeling]. 2


ed. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2015, 280 p.

[13] Stupak G.G., Lysenko L.N., Betanov V.V. et al.

Vestnik MGTU imeni N.E.

Baumana. Seriya Priborostroyeniye

Herald of the Bauman Moscow State

Technical University. Insrtument Engineering

, 2014, no. 1, pp. 3–18 (in Russ).

[14] Stupak G.G., Lysenko L.N., Betanov V.V.

Vestnik MGTU

imeni N.E. Bauma-

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nical University. Mechanical Engineering

, 2014, no. 2, pp. 62–69 (in Russ).

[15] Finkelstein A.M. Fundamentalnoe koordinatno-vremennoe obespechenie:

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[16] Finkelstein A.M., Ipatov A.V., Skurikhina E.A., Smolentsev S.G., Surkis I.F.

Fundamentalnoe koordinatno-vremennoe obespechenie sistemy GLONASS

sredstvami RSDB-seti


” [The fundamental coordinate and time

support for the GLONASS system means RSDB-network “Quasar-KVO”].


[Proceedings of IAA RAS]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2007,

vol. 77, no. 7, pp. 608–617 (in Russ).

[17] Schekutev A.F.

Sinkhronizatsiya BShV NKA GLONASS po naboru mezhsput-

nikovykh izmereniy vdol zamknutoi tsepochki mezhsputnikovykh vzaimodeistviy


Doklad na seminare IKI RAN pamyati P.E.Elyasberga. Tarusa, 17–19 iyunya

2014 g.

[Synchronization BSHV GLONASS to recruit inter-satellite measure-

ment along a closed chain of inter-satellite interactions. The report of the semi-

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Available at:

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[18] Yanchik A.G., Kvashnin A.G.

Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy zhurnal "Raketno-

kosmicheskoye priborostroyeniye i informatsionnyye sistemy"

— Scientific and

technical journal "Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Sys-

tems", 2014, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 47–54.

Lysenko L.N.

Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the “Dynamics and Flight Control of Rockets

and Spacecrafts” Department at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Hon-

oured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honoured Inventor of the Russian Soviet Fed-

erative Socialist Republic, Russian Federation Presidential Award Recipient, Academi-

cian and Presidium Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Engineering

(RARAN) and of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.