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Лысенко Л.Г., Корянов В.В., Топорков А.Г.


A development concept of program-methodical support

for the simulation complex of functioning conditions

of the orbital segment of global navigation and telecommu-

nication geostationary satellite systems

L.N. Lysenko, A.G. Toporkov, V.V. Koryanov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article presents a concept of creating an information-computing complex of simula-

tion in the form of adequate digital analogue of spatiotemporal field of ballistic naviga-

tion support for the functioning of the orbital segment of satellite systems, together with

the "additions" and associated dynamic processes, included in the sphere of consumers’

interests of satellite navigation of information.


simulation modeling, ballistic and navigation support, fundamental coordi-

nate and time support, satellite systems, GLONASS.


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[Current and advanced integrated sys-

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