Автоматизация задачи определения сложности булевой функции - page 11

Автоматизация задачи определения сложности булевой функции
[28] Gurchenkov A.A.
Inzhenernyi zhurnal: nauka i innovatsii — Engineering Journal:
Science and Innovation,
2013, iss. 2. Available at:
[29] Gurchenkov A.A.
Inzhenernyi zhurnal: nauka i innovatsii — Engineering Journal:
Science and Innovation,
2012, iss. no. 7. Available at:
[30] Gurchenkov A.A., Nosov M.V., Tsurkov V.I.
Upravlenie vrashchaiushchimisia
tverdymi telami s zhidkost’iu
[Control of rotating solids with the fluid]. Moscow,
Fizmatlit Publ., 2011, 202 p.
Gurchenkov A.A.
, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor of the Higher Mathematics Department
at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of more than 120 scientific works,
10 of them are monographs. Scientific interests include control of rotational liquid filled
solids, the stability of dynamical systems with a liquid. e-mail:
Egorova E.K.
is a postgraduate at the Russian State Technological University named after
K.E. Tsiolkovsky, junior researcher at the Department of Complex Systems at Dorodnicyn
Computing Centre, Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific interests
include discrete mathematics, mathematical cybernetics, control systems, minimization and
optimization of Boolean functions. e-mail:
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