Автоматизация задачи определения сложности булевой функции - page 9

Автоматизация задачи определения сложности булевой функции
Automation of the problem of determining the complexity
of a Boolean function
© A.A. Gurchenkov
, E.K. Egorova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 105005, Russia
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991,
The main task of the theory of decomposing Boolean functions is the development and
research of expansion of an arbitrary Boolean function, which is dependent on large
number of variables, to a system of functionally related Boolean functions, each of which
depends on fewer variables. The decomposition task is closely related to the minimization
of Boolean functions, i.e. the problem of finding such an analytical representation of
the function in which the number of letters in it is minimal. We examined the problem
of synthesis of discrete control systems based on formulas and developed the method of
synthesis of Boolean formulas designed for efficient schemes of functional elements,
including schemes for minimum complexity. The resulting algorithm may be implemented
by a parallel programming.
: Boolean functions, formulas, Zhegalkin basis, complexity measures,
minimization, decomposition, synthesis, functional equations, schemes.
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XVII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya “Teoreticheskie osnovy i konstruirovanie
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