Вычислительные тесты по декомпозиционному алгоритму для транспортной задачи - page 8

А.А. Гурченков, А.П. Тизик, Э.В. Торчинская
[9] Cheburakhin I.F., Tsurkov V.I. On the Complexity of Realization of Symmetric
Zhegalkin Polynomials.
Applied and Computational Mathematics
, 2010, vol. 9,
no. 2, pp. 198–219.
[10] Averbakh I., Lebedev V., Tsurkov V. Nash Equilibria Solutions in The
Competitive Salesmen Problem on a Network.
Applied and Computational
, 2008, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 54–65.
[11] Mironov A.A., Tsurkov V.I. Open Transportation Models With a Minimax
Doklady Mathematics
, 2001, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 374–377.
[12] Mironov A.A., Tsurkov V.I. A Triplanar Transportation Problem with a
Minimax Criterion.
Doklady Mathematics
, 1996, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 972–975.
[13] Cheburakhin I.F., Tsurkov V.I.
Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie
Mechatronics, Automation, Control
, 2009, no 7, pp. 19–29.
Cheburakhin I.F.,Tsurkov V.I.
Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie
Mechatronics, Automation, Control,
2010, no. 9, pp. 7–13.
Cheburakhin I.F.,Tsurkov V.I.
Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie
Mechatronics, Automation, Control
, 2011, no. 3, pp. 27–34.
Tsurkov V. Aggregation in a Branch Manufacturing Problem and its Exten-
Proc. 13th IFAC Symp. Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
Moscow, 2009, pp. 310–312.
[17] Tizik A.P., Tsurkov V.I.
Avtomatika i Telemekhanika
Automation and Re-
mote Control
, 2012, no. 1, pp. 148–158.
[18] Sokolov A.A., Tizik A.P., Tsurkov V.I.
Izvestiya RAN.Teoriya i sistemy
Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Theory and
Control Systems
, 2013, no. 4, pp. 88–98.
Gurchenkov A.A.
(b. 1939
Dr. Sci. (Phis. & Math.), Professor of the Higher Mathe-
matics Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He is the author of
about 130 publications in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics, including
8 monographs. Scientific interests in modelling and control of fluid-containing rotating
rigid bodies. e-mail:
Tizik A.P.
(b. 1942) graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1965.
Ph.D. (Phys.&Math.), Senior Researcher at Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS. Sci-
entific interests in operations research, discrete programming, transportation problems,
decomposition of large-scale problems. e-mail:
Torchinskaya E.V.
(b. 1990) is a postgraduate at Moscow Institute of Physics and Tech-
nology (State University). Scientific interests in optimization, decomposition of large-
scale problems.
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