Вычислительные тесты по декомпозиционному алгоритму для транспортной задачи - page 7

Вычислительные тесты по декомпозиционному алгоритму…
Computational tests on the decomposition algorithm
for the transportation problem
© A.A. Gurchenkov
, A.P. Tizik
, E.V. Torchinskaya
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny,
Moscow Region, 141700, Russia
The article presents numerical tests of iterative method for solving transportation
problem based on successive recalculations of functional coefficient. Optimal solution is
achieved in three iterations and degeneration is not involved. This solution matches those
obtained by standard program using method of potentials. Standard optimization
methods are used. Algorithm constructs a sequence of solutions for intermediate one-
dimensional problems, which are not permissible for the original problem. Monotonous
functional growth at pseudosolutions takes place. Formulas of solutions of intermediate
two-dimensional problems with hooked variables are composed. Coefficients of
functional are successively recalculated. Finally permissible solution is searched in a set
of equations. If there is no such solution the problem of maximum flow with
transportation limitations is solved. Corresponding indices pairs are formed by certain
transportation problem, decomposition, generalized suppliers and consumers.
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