Информационно-методическое обеспечение оценки и прогнозирования ресурсно-функциональных параметров биофизических объектов - page 18

А.А. Барзов, А.В. Пролетарский, В.А. Пролетарская
Evaluation and prediction of resource
and functional parameters
of biophysical objects
© A.A. Barzov, A.V. Proletarsky, V.A. Proletarskaya
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
An important element of the quality of any physically challenging system, such as tech-
nical or biological object, is their life, which is defined as the effective time of the func-
tional capability of the system. Today, the most urgent task is objective assessment of the
residual life prediction of the physically challenging system, i.e. period of time from some
present time monitoring system till the end of its results in the effective functioning in
future, in particular: the failure, malfunction, or the hyper-whites. To solve the problem
of estimation and forecasting of the residual life of living organisms, including a human
being, we offer in the paper a mathematical model, mainly reflecting the impact of differ-
ent physical knowledge and information available diagnostic factors which impact on the
body and, as a consequence, its resource indicators.
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Barzov A.A.
, Dr. Sci., Professor of the Department of Technologies for Rocket-and-
Space Engineering Industry at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of
over 200 scientific and educational works in the field of engineering technology, engi-
neering and diagnostics. e-mail:
Proletarsky A.V.
, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, the dean of Department of Information
Theory and Control Systems of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He has more
than 110 scientific and educational works in the field of systems of automatic control of com-
plex dynamic objects, intellectual systems, information theory. e-mail:
Proletarskaya V.A
graduated from the Informatics and Control Systems Depart-
ment of Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2014. Analyst at Home Credit
Bank. e-mail:
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