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Е.В. Хахулина, Д.К. Исаев, Н.А. Кабанов, К.В. Демченко и др.


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 10·2017

The experience of testing and applying

functional simulators-based technology

for designing systems and integral units

of rocket and space equipment

© E.V. Khakhulina, D.K. Isaev, N.A. Kabanov, K.V. Demchenko,

V.V. Siforkin, V.A. Rasstrygin, A.K. Stavritskiy, P.I. Chistousov,

S.N. Kraselnikov, S.A. Andrianov, I.I. Nezhdanova

S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia, Korolev,

Moscow region, 141070, Russia

Until recently at the stage of designing rocket and space equipment the projected operat-

ing parameters of complex engineering systems were defined according to own calcula-

tions, in particular by writing own program codes, according to the experimental method

and / or 3D-simulation in computational software packages. In recent times there have

appeared new engineering analysis tools, e.g. Siemens LMS Imagine. LabAMESim, that

allow developing multidisciplinary 1D-models of engineering systems, simulating com-

plex operation of technical systems and modeling their ongoing physical processes.The

technology for designing the functional simulators as applied to the systems and integral

units of

the designed items of equipment was tested in S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space

Corporation Energia in order to define its applicability and potential for designing the

items of rocket and space equipment. The article presents the results of modeling the

complex inflight functioning of the upper stage propulsive effector fragment and the sep-

arating process of the projected item component parts. We also introduce the simulation

results for the thermocontrol systems hydraulic circuits, electromechanical drives, air-

over hydraulics aggregates, charge-driven piston mechanism, relay-controlled device

and electrical circuitry. The simulation results were compared and coincided very well

with the test data and / or calculation data. We recommend applying the functional simu-

lation technology as an additional tool when designing the systems and items of rocket

and space equipment.


simulation modeling, computer-generated simulation, functional simulator,

AMESim, air-over hydraulics, separating, push-rod, thermocontrol system, hydraulic

circuit, valve, electromechanical drive, charge-driven piston mechanism, relay-

controlled device, electrical circuitry



LMS Imagine. Lab Amesim

. Available at:



(accessed December

20, 2016).


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Mashinostroenie Publ., 1992, 672 p.