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Разработка технологии сборки излучающих модулей АФАР…

Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 10·2017 7

Development of assembly technology for the radiating

modules for the X-band active electronically scanned array

in the current space radio systems

© A.A. Lyashenko


, V.I. Kolpakov


, G.V. Podlesnaya



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


JSC Space Special-Purpose System Corporation «Comet», Moscow, Russia

The article presents the technology of manufacturing the radiating modules for the X-

band active electronically scanned array (AESA) providing high reliability of information

transmission, simultaneous operation at several frequencies and reduction of mass-size

parameters. New materials are selected for sandwich panels of the receiving and trans-

mitting radiating module, satisfying the requirements for the physical and mechanical

characteristics and geometric parameters of the structure and providing the minimal

effect on the electrical properties of the multilayer structure of the radio system as well. A

prototype of the AESA radiating module was made.


active electronically scanned array, sandwich panel, radiating module



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Lyashenko A.A.

, student, Department of Technologies of Space-Rocket Engineering,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Kolpakov V.I.

, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Technologies of Space-Rocket

Engineering, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.


Podlesnaya G.V.

, Deputy Chief Engineer, Chief Technologist, JSC Space Special-

Purpose System Corporation «Comet». e-mail: