Структура течения и гидродинамические воздействия на возвращаемый аппарат…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 7·2017 15
Flow structure and hydrodynamic impacts
on the return vehicle at the touch-down onto
the water surface
© A.O. Pavlov
S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia,
Korolev town, Moscow Region, 141070, Russia
The article describes a return vehicle, which forms part of the new generation crew
transfer spacecraft “Federation” designed by RSC Energia, in the contingency situation
when at the stage of leading out or reentry this vehicle has an opportunity to make
a touch-down onto the water surface with the propulsion module switched off. We exam-
ine the environmental impact on the vehicle to formulate the structure integrity require-
ments and to analyze the acceptability of the stresses endured by the crew in such landing
conditions. The article looks at the results of computerized simulation of the return vehi-
cle touch-down process when the vehicle with the propulsion module switched off touches
the smooth water surface through variation of entering dynamic parameters such as the
angle of entry into the water and the horizontal velocity. We show kinematic and load
characteristics of the return vehicle.
touch-down onto the water, return vehicle, computerized simulation
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