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И.М. Гришин, Е.А. Андреев, А.Р. Полянский, И.Е. Никитина


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 8·2017

Computing control action parameters for gas jet injection

into the expansion section of a nozzle

© I.M. Grishin, E.A. Andreev, A.R. Polyanskiy, I.E. Nikitina

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The study deals with methods of computing control force during rocket engine thrust vec-

toring by asymmetrically injecting gas into the expansion section of a supersonic nozzle.

This technique has a number of advantages, so there exists an interest in the methods that

make it possible to reliably estimate the efficiency of using this technique for thrust vec-

toring, to select geometric and mode parameters in advance and through this, to cut

down considerably on the volume of expensive experimental development testing. We

compared the results of calculations that used a semi-empirical method and the results of

a 3-dimensional computation to experimental data. We studied how the way of supplying

the injected gas affects the control force amplitude and the thrust loss through vectoring.

For designing power plants that comprise a supersonic controller nozzle, it is possible to

use the control action calculation methods considered and the data obtained.


rocket engine, control action, injection, mathematical modelling



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