А.В. Кирейнов, В.Б. Есов
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 2·2017
Contemporary trends in cutting fluid usage
for high-performance machining of materials
with poor machinability
© A.V. Kireynov, V.B. Esov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Cutting fluids (CF) are integral to machining of poorly machinable materials (PMM),
ensuring significant tool durability and high quality finish of the treated surface. CF
should possess both good functionality and a combination of performance characteristics
allowing them to be used in contemporary manufacturing, taking into account environ-
mental, technologic and economic requirements. The article presents a review of Russian
and international publications dealing with CF used in machining of materials with poor
machinability. We determine the primary trends in using CF during machining PMM in
the global practice and outline their advantages and disadvantages.
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rosion-resistant steel
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