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Д.А. Ягодников, А.В. Сухов, Н.Я. Ирьянов, В.И. Лапицкий, С.А. Гришин, А.А. Бунчук


Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации

# 1·2017

Correlation and spectral analyses

of electrophysical characteristics of hydrocarbon

fuel exhaust products in a model liquid rocket engine

D.A. Yagodnikov


, A.V. Sukhov




. Iryanov


, V.I. Lapitskiy



S.A. Grishin


, A.A. Bunchuk



Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia


SSPA “Optics, Optoelectronics and Laser Technology”,

Minsk, 220072, Republic of Belarus

The article presents the methodology and results of correlation and spectral analysis of

electrophysical characteristics of kerosene and oxygen combustion products registered in

the process of bench firing tests of the model liquid rocket engine (LRE) with the primary

sensors of the electromagnetic field. Mathematical apparatus and techniques of second-

ary processing arrays of electromagnetic field characteristics were developed for the

frequency correlation analysis in the range of 0…28 kHz of an operating condition - the

pressure in the combustion chamber and a defined parameter — the magnetic field

strength of the combustion products. It is found (with correlation coefficient 0.863) that

the dependence of magnetic field strength of the combustion products beyond the nozzle

on the pressure in the model LRE combustion chamber is close to linear. This depend-

ence can be used as a diagnostic feature for creating a high-speed emergency LRE pro-

tection system.


: liquid rocket engine, firing tests, diagnostics, electromagnetic field, correla-

tion and spectral analyses



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