Термоэмиссионный метод охлаждения лопаток турбин…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 5·2016 11
Thermionic method of cooling turbine blades
of spacecraft gas turbine converters
© A.V. Kolychev, V.A. Kernozhitskiy
D.F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University VOENMEH, St. Petersburg, 190005, Russia
We describe a device for cooling turbine blades of spacecraft gas turbine converters,
based on a new physical principle called thermionic emission, i.e. electrons being emitted
by heated metal. This device will allow the reliability and durability of turbine blades of
gas turbine converters to be enhanced, and their efficiency factor to be significantly in-
creased, leading to the possibility of creating spacecraft with higher power consumption
and longer active functioning perio.
thermionic emission, turbine blades, gas turbine converter, emission layer,
work function, electronic cooling loop.
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