Исследование возможности непрямого перелета на ограниченную орбиту…
Инженерный журнал: наука и инновации
# 3
2016 9
Study the possibility of indirect flight into the restricted
orbit around the Earth—Moon’s L2 libration point
© M.S. Guskova
, S.A. Bober
, S.A. Aksenov
Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, National Research University
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 124458, Russia
Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, 117997, Russia
The paper analyzes the possibility of flight into the orbit around the translunar libration
point using gravity-assist maneuver near the Moon.
The orbits, which spacecraft can
enter without the use of intermediate maneuvers after the flyby of the Moon, are studied.
The flight from a parking low-Earth orbit into different orbits is simulated. Color maps of
characteristics dependent on the parameters of the flyby point and the map showing the
areas on the plane corresponding to the quasi-halo orbit, moving on which the spacecraft
does not go to the penumbra of the Moon are constructed.
Ключевые слова:
libration point, gravity-assist maneuver, lissajous orbit, quasi-halo
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