Взаимодействие систем глобального позиционирования ГЛОНАСС/GPS и наземных вычислительных центров - page 6

Б.П. Садковский, Н.Е. Садковская, Д.О. Трошкин
Interaction of global positioning systems Glonass/GPS
and ground-based computing centers
©B.P. Sadkovsky, N.E. Sadkovskaya, D.O. Troshkin
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000, Russia
The objective of this research is to examine the fundamentals of building a transport
movement tracking system in the web-environment. This paper summarizes the algorithm
of system functioning, gives the principle of databases and technologies warehousing
used to build the customer tracking system of commercial goods.
global positioning systems, web-interfaces, data processing server.
Otraslevoi doklad «Internet v Rossii. Sostoyanie, tendentsii i perspektivy
[Industry report "The Internet in Russia. Status, Trends and
Prospects"]. Federal'noe agentstvo po pechati i massovym kommunikatsiyam
[Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications]. Moscow, 2013, 97 p.
Yandex. Technologies. Electr. res. Moscow, 2008–2013. Available at:
Sadkovskaya N.E.
Issledovaniya obespecheniya effektivnosti menedzhmenta
kachestva IT-tekhnologiyami
[Study of quality management effectiveness in IT-
technology]. Sbornik statei [Collected papers]. O.L. Pererva, ed. Moscow,
Bauman MSTU Publ., 2011, pp. 125–132.
Sadkovsky B.P.
Naukoemkie tekhnologii — Science intensive technologies,
2013, no. 2, vol. 14, pp. 9–12.
Sadkovsky B.P.,
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor at Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State
Technical University. e-mail:
Sadkovskaya N.E.
(b. 1963) graduated from Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow Higher
Technical School in 1986. Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor at the Department of Economics and
Production Organization of Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-
ty. Research interests: economics. e-mail:
Troshkin D.O.
is a student of Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical Uni-
versity. e-mail:
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