А.А. Силаев, Н.А. Силаева, А.Ю. Логинова, А.К. Горбунов
Assessing the possibility of predicting the temperature
dependence of fracture toughness for materials
of VVER-1000, based on the probabilistic aspects
© A.A. Silaev
, N.A. Silaeva
, A.Yu. Loginova
, A.K. Gorbunov
Public corporation Scientific and Production Association “Central Research Institute
of Machine Building Technology”, Moscow, 155599, Russia
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000,
The article examines the possibility of applying the concept of the master curve for pre-
dicting the temperature dependence of fracture toughness on the basis of small-scale test
samples for the material used in the manufacture of VVER-1000.
master curve, base curve, fracture toughness, fracture probability, compact
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Silaev A.A.
(b. 1972) graduated from Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Tech-
nical University in 2000. Ph.D., the Head of Mechanical Properties Laboratory. Author of
several articles on the study of the materials strength. e-mail: