Подготовка исходного сырья для роста слитков мультикристаллического кремния - page 7

Подготовка исходного сырья для роста слитков мультикристаллического кремния
Feedstock preparing for mc-Si growth
© I.S. Kutovoy
, I.N. Radchenko
Helio-Resources, Ltd, Moscow Region, Mytischi, 141000, Russia
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, 248000,
The paper describes one of the variants of the purification process for silicon feedstock,
heavily-doped with arsenic silicon. It presents theoretical calculation results of the meth-
od’s effectivity. The suggested method includes high-temperature vacuum annealing of
melted silicon and subsequent crystal growth by CZ method. We also describe the tech-
nique of using this method for the feedstock preparation for multicrystalline silicon ingot
feedstock heavily-doped with arsenic silicon, evaporation, purification by
crystallization, vacuum annealing, multicrystalline silicon.
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Promyshlennoe proizvodstvo mul'tikristallicheskogo kremniya v Rossii: sos-
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Tezisy dokladov VII MNK po ak-
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Kutovoy I.S.
(b. 1957) graduated from MISIS in 1980. Foreman of multicrystalline sili-
con ingots growth of Helio-Resources, Ltd,.Moscow region, Mytistchi. Author of several
articles on electronic materials technology (cadmium telluride, arsenic, multicrystalline
silicon). e-mail:
Radchenko I.N.
(b. 1961) graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named
after M.I. Kalinin. Ph.D. (Phys.&Math.), Assoc. Professor of the Physics Department at
Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Author of more than
40 scientific papers in the areas of electronics and solid-state physics.
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